Our Identity
As disciples of Jesus our identity is not defined by what we do, but by who God is and what he has done in and through Jesus. To understand our identity we should look at the creation of mankind in Genesis 1. God says, "Let Us create man in Our image." As humans we are created in the image of God, who exist as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sin has marred that perfect image, but hope was not lost. Jesus, the image of the invisible God, entered into our brokenness. Jesus lived the life we could never live and died the death we deserve to die. But He did not stay dead, He rose triumphantly over sin and death extending forgiveness and restoration to God through faith in Him!
In our Savior's last words He says, "as you go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." We believe that our discipleship flows out of this new identity Jesus has given us. Our relationship with God, one another, and His creation is all informed by this identity
In our Savior's last words He says, "as you go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." We believe that our discipleship flows out of this new identity Jesus has given us. Our relationship with God, one another, and His creation is all informed by this identity
Baptized in the name of the Father, we are family!
Galatians 4:4-7 tells us through Christ we are are adopted as sons and daughters of God. This adoption changes our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationship with one another. We are now brothers and sisters in Christ, and it is our privilege to love and care for one another as good family (Eph 2:18-21)
Galatians 4:4-7 tells us through Christ we are are adopted as sons and daughters of God. This adoption changes our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationship with one another. We are now brothers and sisters in Christ, and it is our privilege to love and care for one another as good family (Eph 2:18-21)

Baptized in the name of Jesus, we are servants!
Jesus, the Son of God, came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. We were once slaves to sin that led us to death, but now have been freed, given abundant life, and live under the lordship of Jesus. We joyfully submit to Jesus as Lord, the leaders he has placed over us, and to one another. We serve Christ by serving all those whom He brings into our lives. (Mark 10:43-45, 1 John 3:16-18, Luke 6:27-36, Matt 25:31-40)
Jesus, the Son of God, came not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. We were once slaves to sin that led us to death, but now have been freed, given abundant life, and live under the lordship of Jesus. We joyfully submit to Jesus as Lord, the leaders he has placed over us, and to one another. We serve Christ by serving all those whom He brings into our lives. (Mark 10:43-45, 1 John 3:16-18, Luke 6:27-36, Matt 25:31-40)
Baptized in the name of the Spirit, we are missionaries!
As Disciples of Jesus we have been and are being empowered by the Spirit to show and share Jesus to others. We believe the Spirit does many things in our lives such as convicting us of sin and our need for a Savior, giving the gift of salvation, reminding us of the truths of God’s word, and growing us in the fruit of Christ-likeness. One of the primary things we see Him do is empower us to be witnesses of Jesus in the ordinary rhythms of life. And as we live our lives as a family of servant missionaries sharing and showing the Gospel we believe the world will see Jesus is the one true Savior of the world! (John 14: 16-17, Acts 1:8)
As Disciples of Jesus we have been and are being empowered by the Spirit to show and share Jesus to others. We believe the Spirit does many things in our lives such as convicting us of sin and our need for a Savior, giving the gift of salvation, reminding us of the truths of God’s word, and growing us in the fruit of Christ-likeness. One of the primary things we see Him do is empower us to be witnesses of Jesus in the ordinary rhythms of life. And as we live our lives as a family of servant missionaries sharing and showing the Gospel we believe the world will see Jesus is the one true Savior of the world! (John 14: 16-17, Acts 1:8)