A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
John 13:34
CityGroups (also known as Missional Communities) are the heartbeat of Redemption City. A missional community is a small group of people who are learning to love each other as family, to serve the least of these among them and to live all of life on mission proclaiming the good news of Jesus in word and deed. These are families of missionary servants who make disciples who make disciples. These are communities of normal people, devoted to Jesus, one another, and the mission Christ has called them to. In these small communities we gather for dinner once a week to grow as family on mission. We disciple, love, forgive, speak the Gospel, and serve in a common mission together.

City Group Details
Brewerytown/Fairmount CG
Mission: Supporting each other as we pursue gospel centered relationships with our neighbors.
Regular Meeting Time: Every Sunday at 5:30 PM
Contact us here.
Regular Meeting Time: Every Sunday at 5:30 PM
Contact us here.
CityKIDS Club CG
Mission: A movement for elementary students and their families to hear and see the good news of Jesus. As a CG, we will serve together 1x a month for CityKIDS Club and 2x a month for family meal, prayer, and planning for CK club.
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Tuesday at 6 PM
Contact us here.
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Tuesday at 6 PM
Contact us here.
Foundations CG
Mission: To create a place for new visitors from our Sunday gathering to belong. The Foundation CG aims to give a 9 month immersion into our family, missionary, servant identities and what it looks like to play their part in God’s story.
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Thursday at 7 PM
Contact us here.
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Thursday at 7 PM
Contact us here.
Fairmount/West Philly CG
Mission: Creating space and opportunities for each other's individual missions and missional relationships within our group (since our group is made up of individuals from many different neighborhoods)
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Contact us here.
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Contact us here.
NE Philly CG
Mission: We are committed to: discipling one another, making space for one another, loving our neighbors with one another
Meeting Time: Varies
Contact us here.
Meeting Time: Varies
Contact us here.
International Students CG
Mission: To disciple international students in Philadelphia and see them disciple others
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Wednesday at 7 PM, One Friday dinner per month at 7 PM
Contact us here.
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Wednesday at 7 PM, One Friday dinner per month at 7 PM
Contact us here.
Temple University CG
Mission: To see students formed holistically in the way of Jesus and living as the family of God on mission so that Temple University, our city, and the nations may be transformed by the Gospel
Meeting Time: Varies
Contact us here.
Meeting Time: Varies
Contact us here.
UPenn CG
Mission: To see students formed holistically in the way of Jesus and living as the family of God on mission so that the University of Pennsylvania, our city, and the nations may be transformed by the Gospel
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Tuesday at 6:30 PM
Contact us here.
Regular Meeting Time: Every other Tuesday at 6:30 PM
Contact us here.