John 1 & 20:21

Leader:  In the beginning was the Word, He was with God and He was God.  All things were made through Him.  In Him was life, this life was the light of men.  He is the true light that came into the world!
People:  The Light, Jesus is with us.
Leader:  The true light, which gives light to everyone came into the world.  He was in the world, the world that was made through him.
People:  The Light, Jesus is with us.
Leader:  The Light came to His own people, but His own people did not receive him.  There were those though that did receive the Light, they believed in his name, and he gave them the right to become children of God.
People:  The Light, Jesus is with us.
Leader:  As children of God, we are His family.  We are the family of God with the Word, Jesus, the Light that was sent into the world.
People:  As the Father has sent Jesus, the Light, Jesus is now sending us.
Leader:  Hallelujah, the Word became flesh and dwelled among us!  We have seen His glory shining full of grace, truth, light and life!
People: The Light, Jesus is with us!  Now we take His light where He sends us!