Redemption City Church Covenant

Having been brought by divine grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we, fully surrendered to Him and having been baptized by immersion as born again Christians, by God’s grace and through His Spirit’s empowerment, for the glory of our Triune God and our joy, affirm this covenant:
To submit to the authority of the Scriptures as the final arbiter of all issues in our lives. To be a baptized, regenerate community that makes disciples of Jesus among all nations. To worship together regularly around the Scriptures and the Lord’s Supper. To disciple and care for one another in the gathering, city groups and DNA groups. To submit to the leadership of the Church. To be good stewards. To display the glory of God through unity and godliness. To practice restorative discipline. To promote Christian growth in Christ. To encourage Gospel-centered families.